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LAS VEGAS • FEB 25 – FEB 27, 2025



Effective Showroom Design

Year after year, there is always a new way of doing something or a new style coming into play. That is also the case for showroom design. Danny...

KBISNeXT Area Schedule Announced

Innovative programming includes new DesignBites, introduces bathroom of the futureThe Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS), happening later this...

A Toast to the Kitchen and Bath Industry

Annual Champagne and Cupcakes kick-off event continues at KBIS 2016Champagne and Cupcakes, an annual event marking the official kick-off of the...

Bringing Reality to Showroom Design

With a number of approaches to showroom design, one of the most important is a design that immerses the client in the reality of living with the...
