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LAS VEGAS • FEB 25 – FEB 27, 2025


NKBA Global Connect Strategic Alliance Partner Forum

Feb 9, 2024

NKBA Global Connect Announces Strategic Alliance Partner Forum at KBIS 2024:
Industry Association Executives participate in First Annual Global Connect Strategic Partner Forum

Bethlehem, PA – (February 9th, 2024) —The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA), representing nearly 50,000 North American kitchen and bath industry professionals, and the owners of the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS), announces the first annual Global Connect Alliance Partner Forum to be held during KBIS 2024 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, on February 28th, 2:00–4:00pm.

NKBA Global Connect has invited long-standing Strategic Alliance Partners to participate in an idea and information exchange whereby each partner will present their 2024 initiatives, programs and major agenda items. The goal: to better connect Global Connect Partners, creating a circle of insights that will drive the kitchen and bath industry, globally.

NKBA Global Connect Strategic Alliance Partners comprise several international organizations and associations, representing kitchen and bath manufacturer members who serve the residential kitchen and bath industry. This collaborative group shares interest in common agendas in many areas including sustainable/resilient design and construction practice, the role of digital/AI, the shortage of skilled labor, to name a few.

Forum presenting Strategic Alliance Partner Participants Include:

Volker Irle: AMK
Managing Director for German Association, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Moderne Küche e.V. (AMK), Volker Irle, will present on behalf of AMK. AMK was founded in 1956 and has become the trade and service association for the entire German kitchen industry. More than 140 companies are members– all major manufacturers of kitchen furniture, electrical and built-in appliances, sinks, accessories, as well as suppliers, trade partnerships and service providers in the kitchen sector.
Damian Walters : The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation Damien Walters is the Chief Executive of The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation (BiKBBI), the UK’s first and only government sanctioned and industry supported Institute for professional KBB installers, launched in 2007. The ‘not for profit’ organization was launched with objectives to include the creation of a national benchmark for installation quality within the industry, providing consumers with an informed choice, and supporting reputable KBB installers & retailers achieve their business aspirations through quality support

Tom Reynolds : Bathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA)
Tom Reynold is the CEO and principal spokesperson of the UK-based Bathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA). He also spearheads the BMA’s policy advocacy on behalf of members. BMA’s principal objective is to provide an independent forum for bathroom manufacturers trading in the UK to discuss and debate matters of mutual interest. They act as an information highway between industry, the government, and the consumer on all issues affecting the UK bathroom business.

Fabio Cruz: Centrorochas – The Brazilian Association of Natural Stone Exporters
Fabio Cruz, CEO of the Brazilian Association of Natural Stone Exporters (Centrorochas), the exporter for 21 quarries across Brazil, will present areas of interest as the organization continues to promote the program “It’s Natural”. Developed by the Brazilian Center of Centrorochas in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). the program aims to encourage and increase exports of Brazilian natural stones.

David Ventris-Field : Lyrical Communications
David Ventris-Field is the Sales Director at Lyrical Communications for the InstallerSHOW and elemental brands. Lyrical Communications delivers market-leading in-person and digital content to heat, water, air and energy professionals via the InstallerSHOW–the Birmingham-based exhibit featuring 20,000 installers, specifiers and decision-makers working across the heat, water, air and energy sectors.

Bill Darcy: National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA)
Bill Darcy is the global CEO and president of the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) and owner of the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS). He will speak to the hot topics on the NKBA agenda for 2024 and beyond. The NKBA is the world’s leading trade association for the kitchen and bath industry providing tools, research, certification, and events to nearly 50,000 industry members. The National Kitchen + Bath Association (NKBA) is a non-profit trade group that promotes professionalism in the kitchen and bath industry.

Carolina Giobbi: SICAM
Representing the Italian design market, Carolina Giobbi, founder of Sicam, the Italian-based international trade fair for the furniture industry, will share her market roadmap at the conference. SICAM is an annual trade show in Pordenone, Italy for components, accessories and semi-finished products. Sporting approximately 9,000 companies for more than 20,000 professional visitors from 112 countries from around the world, Giobbi’s plans will not only cover the Italian market, but also the global relationships that SICAM has created.

Alexander Oswald: VDM
Alexander Oswald is the CEO of The Association of the German Furniture Industry- Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie- (VDM). VDM is the central association representing the economic, political, legal and technical interests of currently around 450 German furniture manufacturers. The main task of the VDM is to safeguard and represent the economic, political and technical interests of the German timber and furniture industry vis-à-vis politicians, trade unions and the general public.

“Our Strategic Alliance partners are a key component of the Global Connect business development program” said Suzie Williford, Chief Global Relations Officer, NKBA|KBIS. “Representing a broad range of markets, this forum is an opportunity for all of us as partners to understand the variety of interests and concerns that face the kitchen and bath industry globally. We’re very excited to launch this annual event at KBIS 2024.”

About NKBA Global Connect:
The NKBA Global Connect goal is to expand the visibility of the NKBA and the Association’s premiere trade show event— the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) – internationally with design professionals, brands, influencers, and other industry constituents. The initiative offers resources and connections to help international brands enter the North American kitchen and bath marketplace. Access to industry experts, proprietary NKBA market data, North American design and construction insights, VIP events and networking programs gives NKBA Global Connect members a unique view into the market before they commit to launching. It is designed to facilitate discussion on conducting business and participating in trade development events in North America and, conversely, in Europe and beyond for North American brands looking to extend their global footprint.
NKBA Blog:

About the National Kitchen and Bath Association and the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show:
The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) is the non-for-profit trade association that owns the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS), as part of Design and Construction Week (DCW). With nearly 50,000 members in all segments of the kitchen and bath industry, the NKBA has educated and led the industry since the association’s founding in 1963. The NKBA envisions a world where everyone enjoys safe, beautiful, and functional kitchens and bath spaces. The mission of the NKBA is to inspire, lead, and empower the kitchen and bath industry through the creation of certifications, specialty badges, marketplaces, and networks. For more information, visit or call 1-800-THE-NKBA (1-800-843-6522).
