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LAS VEGAS • FEB 25 – FEB 27, 2025


NET Studio.Kitchen: The new planning and sales tool for kitchen manufacturers sets new standards in terms of speed and flexibility

Jan 23, 2023

NET Studio.Kitchen: The new planning and sales tool for kitchen manufacturers sets new standards in terms of speed and flexibility – thanks to “move&match”, data storage in the cloud and connection to in-house (ERP) systems.

imos AG promises speed and intuitive handling, maximum flexibility and excellent renderings with its brand new solution NET Studio.Kitchen, designed for the planning and sale of kitchens. The cloud-based application enables professional planners at the point of sale to plan individual kitchens together with the customer with just a few mouse clicks. The task is not new, but the solution is innovative.

“Move&match” is the name of the central function that significantly increases efficiency in sales advice: In addition to the classic procedure of selecting and planning individual items, NET Studio.Kitchen allows functional planning blocks to be positioned, dimensioned and moved (“move”) . In this way, different furnishing scenarios can be visualized quickly and flexibly in 3D. The functions are then assigned: Where should cooking, washing up or cooling take place, which electrical appliances can be accommodated where? The use is designed to be comfortable according to ergonomic criteria and under the aspect of short walking distances. Any change between 2D and 3D views gives the perfect impression of the planning status at any time.

Only in the next planning step, which is largely automated, is the neutral planning converted into a product-specific planning (“match”) after selecting the model series from the manufacturer’s range and the desired design variants such as colour, front and handles etc. The planner does not need any detailed knowledge for this. Fronts, colors and materials can be varied at the click of a mouse. The planning goes into depth and includes all the details, including equipping drawers with cutlery inserts or suitable dividers.

Fascinating views: Once the planning is complete, photo-realistic illustrations inspire with an almost realistic impression of the future kitchen. Furnishings and decorative elements are simply added from an extensive library, individualized with various comfort functions and thus create an authentic ambience. Both day and night views can be simulated with lighting. Excellent renderings can be generated from the preview in just a few minutes. High-performance servers take over this task in the background, while you can simply continue planning.

Off to the cloud: NET Studio.Kitchen is a B2B solution for kitchen manufacturers who market their products directly via exclusive sales partners or their own kitchen studios. A complex installation is not necessary, because the system works completely online and without downloading data or programs. Only internet access is required. Once registered, the user accesses his user portal via login. The data for this is also stored and maintained online in the cloud. This also applies to price information that is used to calculate the kitchen planning. Product innovations and changes, price campaigns or price corrections can thus be provided by the manufacturer on a daily basis. The pricing can either be based on the catalog data or be requested directly from the manufacturer’s ERP via a web service, where pricing parameters such as special calculation surcharges, specific customer discounts or other conditions can be taken into account.