Shelly Palmer, Managing Director, Digital Media Group at Landmark Ventures, will deliver the State of the Industry address at KBIS 2016. Palmer is a key driver of market, technology and acquisition strategies. Palmer is well known as Fox 5 New York’s on-air tech expert and for his work on the Emmy-nominated television show, Shelly Palmer Digital Living. He is also a regular technology commentator for CNBC, MSNBC, CNN and Fox Business News. Palmer’s address, “Smart Kitchen – The Myth vs. Reality,” to be held January 20 during the show, will focus on the steps companies should take to be ready for smart kitchens.
“The way most people think about a ‘smart kitchen’ is mythological,” Palmer says. “Yet beyond the myth is emerging technology that has the power to change everything about shopping, marketing and the way consumers behave. To make the most of this, manufacturers and retailers will need to use industry expertise, mathematics and computing power to turn information (data) created by human interaction with their products into actionable business knowledge.”
Palmer will talk about the steps companies should take to be ready for smart kitchens in a smart world, from formulating the right questions, to crafting a road-map, to a data-driven future.